Need a new book?Click on a book for buying options. WHAT JULY KNEW Buy special signed and personalised copies from Emily’s local bookshop - online ordering available. For digital copies as well as paperback and hardback, head to Amazon. Wordery will ship copies to you wherever you are in the world. For audiobooks, try Audible. KEEP HIM CLOSE Buy signed copies from Emily’s local bookshop - online ordering available. For digital copies as well as paperback and hardback, head to Amazon. Wordery will ship copies to you wherever you are in the world. For audiobooks, try Audible. IF I DIE BEFORE I WAKE Buy signed copies from Emily’s local bookshop - online ordering available. Wordery will ship copies to you wherever you are in the world. For digital copies as well as paperback and hardback, head to Amazon. For audiobooks, try Audible.