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Bestseller alert!

Today If I Die Before I Wake is proudly sporting a jazzy orange flag on Amazon, because it is a NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER!Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 09.38.39The rankings go up and down depending on prices and offers etc but I'll take my successes where I can get them. Who knows how long it will last, but I am pretty chuffed to see it as number one in the "medical thrillers" section today.When I was at university, I studied English Literature and somehow ended up living with not one, not two, but SEVEN medical students. I loved (and still love) them to bits but jeez, they could spend hours talking about things I had zero understanding of. Weird medical conditions, hospital politics, F2s and ST1s and .... yada yada yada. On more than one occasion when out with their other medic friends, I was able to successfully pass myself off as a medical student because I was so well versed in the lingo.Anyway, point being - I knew one day it would all be worth it. We would have had a right laugh if we'd known that one day I would have a book at the top of the medical thriller charts.All those years of absorbing the hours of chat paid off. And of course, some of them (and their - also medic - wives!) were also my earliest readers and made sure I hadn't made any howling medical errors.Couldn't have done it without you, Archfield Road crew!