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Meet the author day three: writing achievement I’m most proud of

Day three of #meettheauthor is all about your proudest writing achievement.There's been a few... leaving a very good job to pursue this dream, getting my awesome agent, being shortlisted for awards with If I Die Before I Wake and being chosen as Waterstones' Thriller of the Month back in March. But the one I'm going with is my second book, Keep Him Close, which is out next March. There were times when it was really difficult to work on. I came up with the pitch when my first novel was coming out and I had a nine-month-old baby. I started properly writing it when she turned one, and edited it through my second pregnancy until my youngest was born a couple of months ago. I felt so rough through the first trimester of that pregnancy that every character in the book felt sick or was sick numerous times in the second draft! But I powered through.My aforementioned wonderful agent Peter Straus gave me a little pep talk when I emailed him around Christmas feeling awful and worried I couldn't do it. He said I just had to keep turning up at my desk. So I did.And now it's finished and so very close to being read by you!