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Join me for my virtual launch party!

You are invited to my VIRTUAL LAUNCH PARTY! This Thursday, March 19th, at 8.30pm UK time - on my Facebook page.Help me celebrate the publication of my second novel Keep Him Close. Take a break from the news, grab a glass of wine and join me - I'll be talking about the book, answering your questions (feel free to comment below with any questions to start us off) and I've got some brilliant books to give away including C.L.Taylor's new one Strangers which is out next month. As many of you know, I've had to cancel all promotional events to support this book's release due to Covid-19 but there's nothing stopping me chatting to you online.IMG_7058It's my first go at this so bear with me... I think all you need to do is come onto my page www.facebook.com/emilykochwriter/ at 8.30pm on Thursday and I should be there livestreaming in a video. See you there!